
For PHP Unit testing through PHP scripts (NOT command line)

Notice Oct 14, 2019

I think this is ready to use. It's nothing fancy, but it works! I'm not sure if the current readme is accurate, though.


composer require rof/unit-tester dev-master or json version

    "rof/unit-tester": "dev-master"

or something like that.

This is intended for personal use. I have no idea whether this will become robust or not. First version is so so simple.

Make a class like MyTester extends \ROF\Tester.

Write functions. Try testCamelCasedFunction.
have them return TRUE or FALSE for PASS or FAIL, respectively

Call MyTester::runAll() or MyTester::runTests('testCamelCasedFunction'); or MyTester::runTests(['testOne','testTwo','testThree']);. You may also do $tester = new MyTester(); $tester->run();

Then remind yourself that programming is hard and you'll get it right on the second... or third... or fourth... or five-thousandth time.

You may override prepare, if you need to do anything prior to running your tests.